December 11, 2024
Dynamic search ads would be most helpful for

Dynamic search ads would be most helpful for?

Dynamic search ads would be most helpful for?

Websites with hundreds or thousands of products, services, or listings that frequently change.
• Moving an ads position dynamically in whatever direction a users eyes are looking.
• Campaigns that need to reduce exposure on competitive keywords.
• A local restaurant with a dynamically changing menu that offers fresh new entrees every few months.

The correct answer is:
• Websites with hundreds or thousands of products, services, or listings that frequently change.

Explanation: Businesses with websites that contain a lot of content or well-structured URLs will see the best results from using Dynamic Search Ads. Here are some additional examples of the types of businesses that are a good fit for using this campaign type:
• Your website features different products or
• You sell seasonal product lines or other offerings, or you’re expanding your business to new

Google Adwords Search Advertising Certification Exam Question Answer 2018

Written by
Richard Wilson
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Written by Richard Wilson