March 11, 2025
car tires

How to maintain your car tires and avoid repairs?

When you go one to another space. You should need car to visit, you should know How to maintain your car tires of your car tires. Here are top 10 Tips:


1.  Maintain correct tire inflation.


Tires that are under or over-inflated may not be able to accelerate, brake, or steer effectively. Check your tire pressure at least once a month, preferably before you go on a drive, while the tires are cool. You’ll very certainly discover that you need to make a change.

At least one tire in every seven automobiles has an issue with inflation.

At least one tire in 23% of vehicles is under-inflated by more than 20%, which increases your vehicle’s fuel consumption and shortens the tire’s lifespan.

At least one tire on 17 percent of vehicles is over-inflated by more than 20%, resulting in severe tire wear and poor vehicle control.

Tip: Are you unsure of your tire pressure? The vehicle information placard is a little label that displays the recommended tire pressure for both the front and rear tires. It’s usually seen on the driver’s side, front, or back door. If you can’t find it, look through your owner’s handbook. The figure on the side of your tires is the maximum Maintain your car tires, not the recommended tire pressure, so don’t rely on it.

2. Rotate your tires at least once a year.

Rotating your tires will help them last longer and perform better. Tires should be rotated every 10,000 to 12,000 kilometers, or every six months.


3. Have your wheels aligned.

Get a wheel alignment once a year, or every 25,000 kilometers, to reduce uneven tread wear. Over time, daily hits like potholes and railroad crossings may easily knock your vehicle’s tires out of alignment.


4. Check the balance of your tires.



Tire tread wear can be accelerated and early if they are imbalanced. When you change or rotate your tires, or when you install a new set of wheels, you should have them balanced.


5. Inspect your tires on a regular basis.

Visually inspect your tires when monitoring tire pressure for cracks or bulges, anything trapped in the tire, punctures, and uneven tread wear.



6. Adapt your tire rotation to the season.

In Canada, having both summer and winter tires is advised. To meet the driving circumstances, both types of tires are constructed differently. Using summer tires in the winter or vice versa might cause your tires to wear out more quickly than intended.


7. Avoid mixing and matching tires.

While replacing one or two tires at a time may appear to be more cost-effective, mismatched tires can cause quick and uneven tread wear, as well as technical concerns.


8. When your tires need to be replaced, do so.

Pay close attention to the wear on your tires to determine when they should be replaced. Wear bars are built into tires, and when they become exposed, it’s time to replace them. Do the Bluenose test if you’re not sure what to look for. Place a penny in the tire tread with the Bluenose’s sails pointing down. If the tops of the sails are visible, the tire is worn out, then it’s time to replace them.


9. Make sure punctured tires are properly fixed.

It can be mended depending on the severity of the puncture or the size of the foreign item stuck in your tire. It must, however, be properly mended. Bring it to a mechanic.


10. Properly store spare tires.

Make sure your tires are clean and devoid of anything that might damage the rubber, such as gasoline, grease, or any other item. If you’re keeping your tires indoors, make sure they’re kept clean, cold, and dark, away from direct sunshine and heat sources. If you’re keeping them outside, lift the tires off the ground and cover them with a waterproof covering with holes to keep moisture out.


Tire maintenance ensures that you should Avoid tires repairs to replace them as frequently, keeping you safer on the road and saving you money. Also, if saving money seems appealing, compare auto insurance quotes immediately to find a better deal. Comparing estimates from our network of over 30 insurance companies



Written by
Richard Wilson
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Written by Richard Wilson