February 22, 2025
Energy Audit Business

Energy Audit Business in the United States

Energy audits are the examination of the utility of energy in a house or industry. Energy audits are conducted by expert energy auditors. It may ensure the accurate use of energy in most efficient way. According to ASHRAE, there are four levels of procedures for energy audits, these are given below:

  • Initial level or preliminary audit

It is also called level 0. At the initial level, an energy auditor uses Whole Building Energy Use (WBEU) method to find out the history of the appliances in home or industry. An expert energy auditor compares data with previous inspection reports and makes a vital decision based on present situation.

  • Walk through audit

This level is called preliminary audit. Sometimes it is called simple, screening or walk-through audit. It is simple and quick audit. It is related with interviews and site-operating visits. It focuses on the glaring areas of energy waste. All major areas are covered by this audit. Corrective measures are taken. It is level 1. It covers implementation cost, potential operating cost and simple payback periods.

  • General energy audit

It is also called mini audit, site energy audit or detailed energy audit. It is level 2. General energy audit is the expansion preliminary audit by collecting information based on detailed evaluation of energy conservation method. During the period of audit, utility bills are examined to evaluate the use of energy level. An expert energy auditor compares the previous data with present data to find out a relationship for the utility of energy. He estimates the waste of energy and makes a guideline for future usage. It is a core responsibility of an energy auditor to estimate the utility bills for a year. A detailed financial report is made by cost estimates, site operating visits and investment policies. Most of the energy auditors use cloud-based energy auditing software to prepare a measurement of the utility of energy.

  • Investment grade audit

General energy audit reports can be assessed by BES tool for selecting ECPs or ECMs. It is used for engineering study. At this stage, Investment grade audit is performed for energy related investments and non-energy related investments. Most of the energy related investment depends on the investment grade audit. This type of audit is operated by an expert and experienced energy auditor. After completing audits, energy auditor provides a written report based on feasibility study for future investment on industrial sectors.

An energy audit is some kind of inspection of energy flows in a building or a commercial property.  Energy audit is conducted by an expert energy auditor.  An energy audit describes the energy studies in some major areas of energy consumptions.  ASHRAE developed audit procedures for non-residential buildings and commercial properties. It helps to identify the most efficient and cost-effective energy conservation opportunity. According to the procedures of ASHRAE and Krarti, the main factors of an audit process are given below:

  • To identify the present condition of a building or a commercial real estate.
  • The analysis of previously installed equipments for your home and industry.
  • The analysis of the energy bills of previously installed home appliances and industrial equipments.
  • The analysis of the surrounding environment.
  • The survey of the overall operating conditions in any situation.
  • The estimation of total energy saving procedures.
  • To identify the present and future energy consumption.
Written by
Richard Wilson
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Written by Richard Wilson